Marriage marks a unique moment in the life of an individual, the dawn of a new era in the life of a person, the acquiring of a new part in the role-play of this world. It is the coming together of two souls, the merging of two worlds, the meeting of two minds. It is when two incomplete halves come together to become one complete, loving whole.
But, as with all bounties, marriage brings with it many responsibilities; for life is ultimately a test and every part of it, the good and the bad, is there to determine how you interact with the situations placed before you, how you respond to your Maker.
“And the life of this world is but amusement and play, whilst truly
the Home in the Hereafter, that is Life indeed, if they but knew.” al-`Ankabut 29:64
This booklet has been put together to help those who are to take this momentous step, or have already taken it, make their decisions based on the guidance of Allah Ta’ala and His Messenger [PBUH], and so fill their lives with the peace, the blessings and the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala that only such decisions can bring. And with Allah Ta’ala lies the end of all roads.