Muhammed Abd Al-Rasheed Al-No’maani

Abu Hanifa’s High Rank In Hadith (Makaanat Al-Imaam Abi Hanifa Fi Al- Hadith)




“This is a beneficial, precious, glorious unique book titled “Abu Hanifa’s High Rank in Hadith”written by the late Muhammed Abd Al-Rahseed Al-No’maani (may Allah protect him) who was a great investigative scholar, critic, and Hadith Master. He held the post of Grand Shaykh of Hadith and its sciences at the University of Al-Uloom Al-Islamiyyah in Karachi, Pakistan.
Since the disease of the belittlement of the rank of Imaam Abu Hanifa in Hadith has become epidemic in the Muslim world, earnest readers are seeking access to refutational publications like this in order to counter accusations of the smear campaign against the Imaam, we introduce this book to inform people about what the true masters of Hadith Science and Jurisprudence have to say about him. This work strives to serve as a lighthouse for those who seek guidance and as a reminder for those who are dreadful partisans.”
Shaykh Abdulfattah Abu Ghudda

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Book Authors

Muhammed Abd Al-Rasheed Al-No’maani

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