Fisabilillah Organization Authenticate Ulama's Organization

Daughters of Eve – Womanhood in Islam: A Comparative Look



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Womanhood in Islam: a Comparative Look

Before the advent of Islam, women were considered to have only one purpose all over the world: to serve men. It was the Qur’an that declared that she, too, was only created for Allah (as seen in the above verse) and, in that regard, was a complete equal to man. The Messenger of Allah Taala said clearly,

“Women are the twin halves of men.” at-Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud

It was also through Allah’s Final Word that women for the first time were given constitutional rights such as in marriage, divorce and the ability to own possessions.

Yet at the same time, Islam does not mistake equality of worth for sameness in roles. Since it is obvious that men and women have been created differently both physically and psychologically, it is also clear that both have been made for distinct, though equally important, roles. In Islam, Allah dignifies both men and women in their distinctiveness, not sameness, while maintaining that in the most meaningful sense of equality – equality before the Creator – they both are the same.

And whosoever does deeds of righteousness, whether male or female, and has faith, these will enter Paradise and not the least injustice will be done to them. Qur’an, 4:124

A look at examples of other societies and religions and their outlook towards women demonstrates exactly how advanced the teachings of Islam were 1400 years ago and how advanced they still stand today.

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Fisabilillah Organization Authenticate Ulama's Organization

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